
Maxwell House Instant Coffee, 2-Ounce Jars (Pack of 12) Review

Maxwell House Instant Coffee, 2-Ounce Jars (Pack of 12)
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"Good To The Last Drop!" has been Maxwell House Coffee's 'signature line' for a very long time. And, in the case of their regular instant coffee, it holds wonderfully true, even today! (Probably for all the rest of their coffees, as well!!!!)
I truly feel for the author of the previous review. Maxwell House has changed the jar top (at least on the 8-ounce size). It is now YELLOW, and the top has "Easy-To-Open" printed in blue letterings. I don't know if they have done the same with the two-ounce size jar-top or not. But I do know -- after many years of drinking Maxwell House Instant Coffee....first with a red metal screw-on top (with a lovely 5-pointed white star printed on it), and then to the familiar red plastic screw-on top, (no star printed on it) -- that, despite the jar being somewhat easier to open, (it has been approved by the American Arthritis Foundation), that I sorely miss the beautiful red screw-on lids that I grew up with. (In fact, I KEPT the last one I was able to find....but, being plastic, it cracked and broke. So, now I must use the new, easier-to-open, yet somehow not-as-inviting yellow-with-blue-lettering jar top, if I want to buy and use Maxwell House Instant Coffee.)
If the new, blue top, is on the 2 oz size as well, I hope that my mention of it can help both you, and your grandmother, to find Maxwell House Instant, if you wish to!
The good news is that the Coffee inside is the same as ever! It is not the most "gourmet" of coffees.....but it does have a very nice flavour, if made correctly. (TO MAKE GOOD INSTANT COFFEE....OF ANY BRAND....THE NUMBER ONE RULE IS: BOIL THE WATER A LOT! You simply CANNOT over-boil water that you will later pour over instant coffee! The longer you boil the water, the better-tasting INSTANT coffee will be. One trick I learnt
to make the water boil longer...yet save on gas and electricity...is this:
Use a 2 or 3 quart SAUCEPAN to boil the water, NOT a tea-kettle. Then, first, put in just enough water to cover the bottom...plus an extra ounce or two. Put the heat on high, and wait until the water STARTS to boil.
(With a glass pan, you can COVER the pan and make it boil even faster, thus saving even more gas or electricity.) When the water just STARTS TO BEGIN TO BOIL, put in a bit more water. When that water just starts to begin to boil, add more. And so on...until you fill the pot with the right amount of water. You have to be careful -- especially at the beginning -- NOT to let all the water boil out, or your pot will be ruined! But if done correctly, this not only saves power, (as the smaller amounts of water, naturally, take less power to boil), but also boils the water far more than if you just put all the water in at once!
So, you get a better tasting cup of instant coffee....and also help preserve the planet, at the same time ! : ) (This method of boiling water is NOT recommended for tea, however. Tea needs water that has been boiled, yes...but boiled as LITTLE as possible. Indeed, I have read, (in "The Little Princesses", by Marion Crawford, which I have also reviewed for Amazon.com -- that Queen Mary, herself, used to wait until the water for HER tea had JUST started to boil, before using it for tea.
(I guess this boiling water LESS for tea, can help save natural resources, too!)
The main thing I want to say, of course, is that MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE has a wonderful flavour, especially if you make it with REALLY boiled water! It is the least-expensive of brand name instant coffees...and gives a nice, invitingly-flavoured cup of coffee! If you like, you can always mix it with other, more expensive instant, (or even regular) coffees....but it's great all by itself.
If you want a great tasting cup of instant coffee, yet want to save money, and yet still again, NOT buy a "store brand" instant coffee, then MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE is for you! It is, and always has been,
"Good To The Last Drop!"
P.S.: I still yearn, however, to taste Maxwell House's more varied regular ground coffees in instant form. Please, Maxwell House...treat your instant-coffee customers to "1897" Coffee, and the other types of Maxwell House ground coffee, in instant form. I predict they will all be an "instant hit" with customers!

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Maxwell House Instant Coffees deliver rich, smooth, full-flavored taste in every sip. To create these great-tasting classic flavors, the finest beans are carefully blended, and custom roasted to their peak. Packaged inauthentic Maxwell House glass jars to seal in that rich flavor and aroma. All so that every sip is always good to the last drop.

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