
Wolfgang Puck Coffee, Jamaica Me Crazy, 18-Count Pods (Pack of 3) Review

Wolfgang Puck Coffee, Jamaica Me Crazy, 18-Count Pods (Pack of 3)
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I love this coffee from Wolfgang Puck, it is always fresh, tasty and provides a consistent cup of java, one cup at a time.
Best of all, you can taste the flavors that make Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee so famous. Of course, it is not 100% Blue Mountain, but a respectable blend of arabica beans that includes enough of that treasured bean to justify its name. And it is neither under nor over roasted, just done to the point where the flavors are best.

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A light flavored coffee with the essence of the islands. All Wolfgang Puck Coffees are estate grown at high altitudes where the coffee cherries ripen slowly to allow their unique flavors and aromas to fully develop. Our coffees are selected from the top 5% of the world's coffee production, then blended and roasted according to Wolfgang's personal recipe.

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